Box of Pranks #1
We have assembled 13 all-time favorite jokes and pranks
Here is what you’ll get...
A classic prank.
Use this when you shake your friends hand.
Your friend will think he just got shocked.
They won't know what to do.
Looks like real mustard is coming out of the bottle.
Who farted....... Who farted!
Another classic that keeps'em guessing and laughing.
Go to pay for an item at the counter, put down some paper money and
when the person behind the counter goes to grab it... up you
snatch the dollar before they can pick it up! Great Fun.
The ultimate what "did you do" joke...
Squirt this on anyone's clothes and watch
the surprised reaction as if you just ruined
their clothes look.
(x10) Grenade Bags
Just squeeze the small packet popping it
inside the bomb bag, shake and throw.
Wait a few seconds and....
Great fun for everyone.
This is the original classic prank favorite since the beginning of time.
Place it anywhere someone might sit and watch the fun begin.
It's a guaranteed laugh, every time!
(x10) Fart Bombs
You’ll have a blast with these.
Just like Bomb Bags but with a special surprise.
These things smell something terrible
So realistic The only thing missing is the smell.
Sprinkle a little of this stuff down someone’s shirt
and stand back and wait for the fun to begin.
Classic prank!
Leave this pen where your victim will find it and
watch their reaction when they remove the pen cover.
Includes 72 Shots!
Don't you just hate when someone borrows
your pen and doesn't return it?
Well, they won't want this one.
One press of the top of the pen and...